Friday, October 11, 2013

General Conference 183.2

Liebe Familie,
This week was pretty great! We found a lot of people and are really excited about the potential here:]
Last Sunday, we realized we still needed to find ten more potentials for the week. We only had a few hours, and I told my companion that I really didn`t think we could find ten potential investigators (oh, ye of little faith, perhaps), but I told her I thought we could find some. I asked her how many. She thought about it for a moment, and then she said, ``Four.`` I said, ``Then let`s go find four potentials!`` She got a little flustered and said, ``Wait! You were supposed to think of a number, too!`` I told her that she was just as much entitled to receive revelation as I was, and if she thought we could find four people, we could. And we did. We walked to Bahnhof, and we talked to everyone along the way. There weren`t a lot of people out because it was almost (and eventually after) dark, but we found exactly four people who wanted to learn more. It was such a cool miracle!
And this whole week we have been focusing more on finding more people. We have done a better job of talking to everyone - there is still room for improvement, but we are certainly getting better! Anyway, we were on a train on Tuesday, for example, and Sister Brinck was trying to place a Book of Mormon with an older gentleman. My person I had sat by didn`t have much interest, so I listened in on her conversation. She successfully gave him a Book of Mormon before he had to get out. Just then, a girl ran over (she wasn`t sprinting, of course, because she only scurried over from a few rows over, so it would be difficult to get to full speed in that time. So I suppose I should write that she scurried over. Or hastened herself. Anyway...) and asked if she could have one of those books, too! Sister Brinck got her information, and then found out she was from Mongolia and wanted a Book of Mormon in Mongolian. But she accepted the tiny English Book of Mormon Sister Brinck had and went on her way. We got out at the next stop, too, and I gave Sister Brinck my larger English one, and told her to run that one to her. She was very grateful and took it, too. 
Thursday, we met with her and her husband. She is a student here, and her husband is German and graduated. We gave her her Mongolian Book of Mormon (bringing her total number of copies to three) and her husband a German Book of Mormon. They were so cool! She is Buddhist, and knows absolutely nothing about Jesus Christ. Her husband grew up Evangelisch, but isn`t too attached to it, and is willing to find something to believe in. They were both so excited to read a chapter and pray about it! 
We also visited Obehi this week. She is from Nigeria and has two kids: Chuko (girl, age 4) and Emi (boy, age 0). She is married, but Kevin is always gone at work when we are there. Anyway, we dropped by to bring her a baked good and some chocolate as she had missed church on Sunday due to her illness. She invited us right in, and explained how the whole family was sick, and she just could not get a break! We played with the kids for a little while before we had to go, and it really helped her. She begged us to please come back the next day and help some more. So we did. We helped her clean a little and play with the kids, and then she made us lunch. It included such products as cow tongue and bone marrow. It was so sweet of her to make us lunch, even though she was so sick! The elders came to give her a blessing, and they also got to enjoy the meal:]
We also met a cool guy named Fathali. He was found by Sister Brinck on Austausch about two months ago. He was waiting at our busstop, found out they came from America, and gave them two avocadoes. We got to our busstop on Wednesday, and Sister Brinck told me that was the guy from Iran who had given them avocadoes! I told her to greet him, and she did. He gave her an apple. And we met with him the next day. We had a time finding a joint teach as all of our members were at the temple for Deutsche Einheitstag (the day the wall came down), so we had to invite the Stuttgart Int. elders. Fathali has spent his whole life searching and has not found the truth yet. He is so confused, as he says he just keeps on finding parts of the truth, but he can`t find it all. We gave him a Book of Mormon in Persisch, and he says he has been reading in it! He came to General Conference Saturday night, and he brought a friend!! He had not seen this friend in five years, he said, and he just ran into him on his way to conference. So he asked this friend if he would want to come along, and he did! After five years, that was how they enjoyed each other`s reunited company - at general conference. Fathali is way cool, and we are so excited to see him continue to progress! 
I learned so much at General Conference, and so much peace was whispered to my heart. It`s always cool how every general conference, it seems like they are speaking directly to you. And yet, it`s for everyone! And wasn't that a cool goal Elder Ballard gave all of us - to bring one person to Christ before Christmas! I know that goal is acheivable through prayer, work, prayer, and more work. 

''So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us.''
                                                                -1 Thes. 2:8

Sister Stephanie Reid

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