Monday, July 1, 2013

Cookies and the District 2

Liebe Familie,
Sister Smith had this week birthday. She is officially the Big 2-0. I asked her a lot of questions Sunday night, as she was still a teenager. Monday came. We were going to have a zone P. Day and play soccer. Sister Smith was freuing herself up the waz. She loves soccer. And that is an understatement. Anyway, we were supposed to go to Stuttgart to meet up with the other missionaries after we finished emails. But we accidentally spent a little too long; by the time we finished, we realized that by the time we got there, they would probably be done. So, we decided we would stay in Ludwigsburg. It was a little rainy, otherwise we probably would have still played outside. But we were worn out, and didn't feel like trying to figure out a Plan B. So we went home after buying groceries, made lunch, and made cookies. Then we turned on the District 2 (these fabulous DVDs used for training - they are a documentary of a district of missionaries serving in San Diego, and we just love watching them) and enjoyed our cookies/cookie dough. Sometimes a chill day is nice, too. :] I gave Sister Smith a way-to-go for having her birthday on P. Day so she could do relax. She gave me a weird look and said, ''No problem.'' 
Tuesday night, we had another appointment with Bernie. We could not find a joint teach for the lives of us. So we called the Stuttgart sisters, and they agreed to come. Problem was, they are to Dritt, so that would have been five extra people in his house. Agreeing that that would perhaps be a few too many, Sister Smith and her MTC comp., Sister Jencks, went and tried to contact some former investigators in Kornwestheim. Sister Stewart and I took their golden and taught Bernie. It was so fun teaching with my mama again. The lesson was awesome! We taught the Plan of Salvation. Bernie is a great student. He is really good about asking questions, but he also doesn't get distracted. He also absorbs information like a sponge. We got all the way through the Plan of Salvation, with Bernie repeating back each step all along the way. He is so cool. He told Sister Stewart also about the day he met us and how even at 300 meters, he saw us and knew he needed to talk to us (but we talked to him first:]). He really is so prepared and so ready for the gospel. He also really liked Sister Stewart and told her she was welcome to come back anytime. 
We taught Bernie again on Thursday night and broght the elders. We have been praying a lot about him, obviously, and we feel that someday we may need to give him up to the elders. But we feel like at this time, we would just be confused if we told him that the elders need to start teaching him. So we are trying to help him get to know them, so that when the time comes for a switch, it will be natural. Also, it will be good for him to have people in priesthood to sit next to. This week we are going to have a family in our ward and a few YSAs be our joint teaches on various occasions. This will also help him get well integrated with the ward and feel more comfortable. 
We had interviews this week, and those are always lovely:] I love drawing on President Miles's wisdom and learning so much. We also were shown a little bit of the broadcast on member missionary work. We saw the full thing yesterday as our last two hours of church. It's interesting to me how whenever we have these changes, it always just makes sense. Like when Preach My Gospel came out. It makes sense that we should be teaching by the spirit and not giving memorized scripts. And it also makes sense that we should be working more with members to help them do missionary work, as opposed to trying to have a missionary church and a member church. It will be cool to see the whole face of missionary work change with these technology and focus changes. We are still inviting people to come unto Christ, but now we are being smarter about it.
Saturday we had a service project at a local elementary school - that meant: pants. 'Twas wonderful:] It was raining the whole time, though, so we were very cold at the end. But it was nice to be outside and spend time with members of our ward. 
I hope you all have a great week!! 
Sister Stephanie Reid

''Wishing will not make it so; the Lord expects action.'' 
-President Thomas S. Monson   

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